Mama Ocean had eyes that sparkled, like sunlight on the sea, and tresses which tumbled and trailed through the tides. But something is troubling Mama Ocean.
Who will help her?
Papa Sky sits where earth meets sky until one night the wind blows him down, down, down through the cloud forest where her lands with a bump. What will happen next?
Who will save him?
Children’s Book Council of Australia Notable book.
One Step at a Time. A story about a boy, a baby elephant and a land mine. Children’s Book Council of Australia Honour Book.
Local Colour – Adelaide. A colouring and information book for all ages.

Hungry Ghosts
Sarah hadn’t wanted to come to Australia. She was perfectly happy with things how they were in Singapore where school was for learning, and ‘being cool’ was a non-issue. Now Dad was trying his best to make her into a ‘fair dinkum’ Aussie while Mum’s determined to hang on to their Asian traditions. During the Festival of the Hungry Ghosts Sarah meets the ghost of Pei, a Chinese girl who was not much older than Sarah when she died. As the story unfolds, it becomes apparent that the girls share a common ancestry. Initially reluctant, Sarah helps Pei discover the truth about events surrounding her death and the lover she believed had betrayed her. Set in contemporary Singapore and Australia, and nineteenth-century China and Australia, this sprawling tale touches on issues of Chinese immigration to Australia from the 1800s to the present.

Diary of … series
Marcus is a maths whiz who is not good at sport. His dad is a self-help author who thinks Marcus can achieve anything he sets his mind to, with hilarious results. In illustrated diary format, Marcus’s gentle, satiric humour and comic drawings will have readers laughing out loud while learning a surprising amount about sport.
Find all ten books in the series here

The Susie K Diaries
Susie K likes science instead of netball and has the class goldfish for a best friend. But Susie’s mum finds it hard to believe that she’s happy that way. She’s constantly trying to push Susie (with the best of intentions, of course!) to be something she’s not. And the last thing Susie wants is to disappoint her mum…
In this fresh new series find out how Susie’s unconventional problem-solving skills + Mum’s optimistically high expectations = hilarious results.
Find the series here